Love Live Interviews Love Live Interviews Funny
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School Idol Project
Season 1
- Episode 1: Umi's Imagine Spot. Her "Love Arrow, Shoot!" note Or "Arrow of Love!", as it's known in the English dub. catchphrase causes her to miss, badly.
- Episode 3: The Death Glare by Umi after Kotori reveals the new idol outfit for the performance, having forgotten about Umi's warning.
- Episode 4: When Hanayo intends to buy some food, she stumbles upon Honoka's home and working place. So Honoka invites her upstairs since she's almost done. However, Hanayo accidentally witnesses Kousaka Yukiho's attempt to enlarge her breasts and Umi practicing her poses. Both Yukiho and Umi were shocked and not too pleased on Hanayo seeing their embarrassing moments.
- Episode 5:
- When Nico, wearing her disguise (which some of the locals though she's a 'poop') decides to follow the girls into the restaurant since Honoka was pissed that she couldn't do any training due to the rain. During that moment, Nico decides to eats Honoka and Umi's fries. However, she was caught red-handed once she tries to take Honoka's hamburger. When Honoka confronts Nico, instead of asking why she's spying on them, she asks her to pay back for the fries Nico stole.
- When finding out that there was already an idol club and Nico's club leader, Nico locks herself in the room and barricades the door with large boxes. She soon tries to escape (probably overheard Rin's suggestion to use the window) and ran away from a happy Rin, but she was so tired from carrying the boxes, she was caught by her. Nico escapes but was caught again when he falls into the alpaca hut.
- Hanayo shows her Otaku behavior side when she found the limited edition of the idol DVD called "Legend of the Legendary Idol" (A.k.a. L.L.L) that Nico has.
- Nico demonstrates how to build up a cute idol persona with her "Nico-Nico-ni!" routine and the reactions she gets, especially Rin's.
Rin: Isn't that really pretty lame?
- To elaborate: Nico is introduced as a terse, grumpy character with high standards regarding idols. She criticizes the others as being amateurs, as they lack a stage persona. When they're confused at this, she demonstrates by walking to the front of the room, composing herself... and then launching into an uber-cutesy, energetic spiel, completely changing her body language, tone, expression, and gestures. When she's done, she promptly switches back to her regular self and sternly asks, "You got it?"
- Episode 6: Nico gets ignored a lot.
- When everybody's being interviewed, she starts off doing her cutesy "Nico-ni" routine before she's told to be genuine. In response, she lets her hair down and begins putting on a demure persona. ("Truthfully... I'm quite shy" she says, bashfully looking down and touching her hair.) She gets so into it she doesn't notice anyone leaving the room.
Nico: Hey! Where the hell'd they go?!
- When she tries to take charge of being the leader of the Idol Club...
Nico: Well, if I must, I must.
Kotori: I still feel like Honoka is the best choice.
Nico (less enthusiastically): If I must, I must.
Maki: I think we need to convince Umi-senpai to take charge.
Nico (getting increasingly angrily): Well, if I MUST, I MUST!
Hanayo: Maybe... we should vote on it?
Nico (through a megaphone): I SAID, "IF I MUST, I MUST"!
- At the karaoke place to determine who would be the best candidate at being leader...
Nico: Well, c'mon, let's rock!
(everyone is busy talking with each other)
- Nico decides to use three tests to see who should be the leader; she arrogantly thinks this works in her favor. Unfortunately, by the end of the three tests, she goes into Heroic BSoD when she realizes that she was nowhere close to the first place as some of the girls manages to beat her, even though she was placed in the middle.
- When everybody's being interviewed, she starts off doing her cutesy "Nico-ni" routine before she's told to be genuine. In response, she lets her hair down and begins putting on a demure persona. ("Truthfully... I'm quite shy" she says, bashfully looking down and touching her hair.) She gets so into it she doesn't notice anyone leaving the room.
- Episode 7: Nozomi's punishment. Nico, in particular, gets threatened three times with it and squeezed twice when she struggles with her studies:
Nico: Like I said before, don't worry about cute little Nico failing.
Nozomi: (makes grabby hands and a creepy face, charges at Nico, and squeezes her!) Lie again, and I'll give 'em a nice squeeze.
Nico: No, please don't. Just tutor me...
Nozomi: (switching back to a friendly smile and tone) Now that's more like it.
(and later...)
Nozomi: Then how would you answer the next question?
Nico: Umm I think it's a...Ni-Nico Nico Nii...?
Nozomi: (grabby hands) Ehehehehehe...
Nico: Oh no... No please don't! (retreats and screams) Get away from my boobs, you— you grab-maniac!
Nozomi: Next time you goof off, they're grabbing at MAX power note in the Japanese version, she says that she will "rub [Nico's boobs] to [her] heart's content"!- Later Nozomi catches Rin, Honoka, and Nico practicing on the school roof instead of studying like they planned to do. The three girls freak out and all start trying to blame each other for the mess...not that it matters because Nozomi then punishes all of them off-screen, including Nico, again. By the end of it, the three are all wiped out.
Nozomi: Whose idea it was isn't important. Because... (makes grabby hands and a creepy face) there's enough discipline to go around! (chuckles mischievously)
- Episode 9
- After gaining a new room and place to train, Eli, who recently joins μ's tells the girls not to get too overconfident just because they have a successful opening school ceremony. This leads to Umi crying in joy as she finally finds someone in the group who's reliable as she is (and no longer being the "only girl with discipline"), much to Eli's surprise. Cue Rin saying with a deadpan remark "You make it sound like the rest of us don't have any common sense." upon hearing it.
- When μ's visits an idol shop, they happen to see Kotori, who skips training, in a maid outfit; she was asking the shopkeeper to remove the maid picture of her. When they confront her, Kotori was in shocked that they're here and tries to lie her way out by trying to act like a foreigner (or in the English dub case, an alien, complete with a British accent,) with only Rin falling for it. After her 'act', Kotori quickly runs away from them while Honoka and Umi chase after her. She manages to escape and assumes that no one can catch her since she uses a shortcut until Nozomi appears behind her ordering her not to run or she'll punish her.
- Eli's rather deadpan expression when Kotori was pretending to be a foreigner is what sold the scene.
- Episode 10:
- What the girls really think of Nico before they realize she was a third-year student
- When the girls all gather around for dinner, they each have a plate of curry rice...except for Hanayo, who has a plate of curry and a bowl of rice.
- The entire pillow fight scene is absolutely hilarious. That is, until Umi gets woken up... What happened was during the entire summer camp, Nozomi decides to force Maki, who was the only person refuse to play by Eli's 'no calling Senpai' rules, by tossing the pillow at Nico and blames her for it (after the girls minus Umi get woken up by Honoka's eating sound) So the girls end up having a pillow fight until they accidentally hit Umi, which causes her to snap. Umi takes out her anger by knocking out Nico, Honoka and Eli with her 'supersonic pillow' and it takes a combined attack by Maki and Nozomi to knock her out before she takes out Hanayo and Rin.
- This video
took the scene and dubbed it over with voices, music, and sound effects from Ed, Edd n Eddy, which makes it even more hilarious with the insane sound effects and out-of-context lines.
- This video
- What the girls really think of Nico before they realize she was a third-year student
- Episode 11: The third-years approach Honoka, who is in a depressive slump, and Nico calls out Nozomi's name. Nozomi, on command, jumps Honoka and squeezes her.
- Episode 12: If you look closely at the list of School Idols, one of them named the group as "George"
Season 2
- Episode 1:
- The entire scene where Honoka makes her opening speech as the new Student Council President by catching the microphone in the air and starting a song and dance sequence. Unfortunately, the above incident never happens due to Honoka's Performance Anxiety. Seriously, how did Honoka end up being Student Council President in the first place?
- Hanayo running past a sign that says "Don't run in the hallway!" When she runs back the other way with Rin, Maki, and Nico, the sign is shown again, except the wind blows it off.
- Episode 2
- When μ's enters Maki's family summer villa for practice, the girls happen to notice the fireplace and intend to light a fire. However, Maki tells them not to as she believes that Santa Claus will have a hard time coming down the chimney. This causes Nico to crack up about her belief but before she can say anything her friends stop her from destroying Maki's belief, while Maki is puzzled by her friends' actions.
- Later on, when they light the fireplace to warm up Rin and Nico:
- Any scenes of Umi and her obsession with mountain climbing. Poor Rin.
- When μ's enters Maki's family summer villa for practice, the girls happen to notice the fireplace and intend to light a fire. However, Maki tells them not to as she believes that Santa Claus will have a hard time coming down the chimney. This causes Nico to crack up about her belief but before she can say anything her friends stop her from destroying Maki's belief, while Maki is puzzled by her friends' actions.
- Episode 3:
- Nozomi's suggestive comment about Eli goes like this:
Nozomi: I wouldn't mind seeing Eli-chi in a sexy dress.
Kotori: You mean "sexy dynamite".
- The girls in μ's are invited by A-RISE, μ's school idol rival, to UTX High School. Upon meeting with them A-RISE lists everyone's skill sets and strength. What is Nico's? A-RISE thanks her for sending them flowers in the past and comments that she's the little imp in the group.
- Nozomi's suggestive comment about Eli goes like this:
- Episode 4:
- Honoka Lampshading how everything is going according to her dream.
- Long after the others found out μ's was going on to the preliminaries for the Love Live, Umi is still covering her ears and wondering if it's over.
- The girls decide to follow Nico, curious about why she skipped training. When she sees her in the supermarket buying groceries, the girls wrongly assumed that Nico's cooking for some lover. Unfortunately, due to Hanayo's yelling, Nico manages to spot them, slowly puts her groceries down and quickly runs out of the store from the back door. While she manages to lose them, suddenly, both Eli and Nozomi appears outside, predicting she'll do that.
- The looks on Nozomi's face before she captures Nico says it all before Nico escapes.
- When Nico slides into the gap between two vans, Nozomi tries to follow her but her assets are too big. When the rest of the girls arrive, she uses Rin, much to her displeasure.
- Nozomi's smug face as Rin voices her displeasure just sold the entire scene.
- When the girls met Kokoro and arrived at Nico's apartment, they soon learn that μ's consist of Nico and her backup dancers. This does not sit well with Eli, Maki, Nozomi, and Umi.
- Eli decides to call Nico. While Kokoro does her Nico-Nico-Ni pose note Funnier if you realize that Nico and her siblings are voiced by the same person., Eli was seen with her eye twitching, angrily, while listening to Nico's voicemail greeting. Once the greeting ends, she angrily tells Nico to pick up the phone while both Maki and Umi asks what's with the 'backup dancer' thing.
- While visiting Nico's house and meeting Kotaro, they soon realize that Nico uses photoshopped photos (badly) that shows she's the leader. Some of the girls think this is kinda sad due to Nico trying to do that to her siblings.
- And then Nico came back. When Kokoro greets her sister even adding the 'backup dancer' part, Nico's Oh, Crap! face was shown knowing the girls knew. Umi, on the other hand, tells Nico that they could have a little chat inside, while giving her
◊a glaring Death Glare. Knowing that she's in trouble, she decides to run... again, while the girls give her a chase. Unfortunately, Nico gets caught when her sibling Kokoa exits out of the elevator; Nico makes a funny facial expression when Rin comments about her having another sibling.
- Episode 5:
- Umi's memetic poker face.
◊ Also, an Epic Fail, considering that she was making some very obvious expressions beforehand, aka the last thing you want to do in these sorts of card games.
- Rin, as a temporary leader, finally snapped the moment she realizes that Honoka is unable to come back and she has to wear the cute and swan-lake wedding outfit. She tries to run away but this causes Nico to give her some payback for catching her last season.
- Umi's memetic poker face.
- Episode 6:
- Honoka, Kotori, Nico, and Maki playing with dolls while discussing the Halloween event, speaking through a ghost, a pumpkin, a Jack Skellington-esque doll, and a golem respectively.
- And a moment later, when Eli drops her seriousness as well:
Maki: So this is our opening move, then?
Eli: *leaning towards her with a serious expression* It's so cute.
- The funny and ridiculous ideas for the Halloween special to boost up their popularity for the preliminary round:
- Umi suggests doing a 'club version'. Some agree but those who had to wear a Chemistry, Kendo and 'drama' club theme outfit... didn't seem to like the idea. Also Rin fooling around in her swimmer outfit in the foreground while Honoka tries to justify that they weren't.
- Nozomi then suggests to be each other, with Honoka as Umi, Kotori as Eli, Umi as Rin, Rin as Maki, Maki as Nozomi, Hanayo as Nico, Nico as Kotori, Nozomi as Honoka, and Eli as Hanayo. Unfortunately, the result makes everyone realize it's strange. It's lampshaded by Eli:
Eli: *Hanayo-esque voice* All... of you.... all of you..... *normal voice* are weird.
- Bonus points for Hanayo being more Nico than Nico, leading to Nico's Twitchy Eye.
- Eli suggest to do something that is not rock but more onto the Punk rock version. It didn't turn out well, as they're called to the principal.
Everyone: NOW FEAST YOUR EYES ON THE NEW AND IMPROVED μ's! *cue Hideko, Mika, and Fumika running away screaming*
- Episode 7:
- When Eli asks Nozomi if she wants to grab another parfait with her, Nozomi makes a face that looks less like "Sure! I'll split another parfait with you!" and more like "I want you in my bed."
- Episode 8: When the girls are trying to figure out some ideas on how to express love in their next new song, Kotori suggests they watch a romantic DVD movie she brought. One Gilligan Cut later, most of the girls are seen crying while two of the girls are seen sleeping during the movie. The best expression goes to Maki, who shows absolutely no signs of emotions and Umi, who's so traumatized that she cowers in fear as if she's watching a horror movie. She even switches off the television during the movie's kissing scene, indignantly stating it's not something girls would do in public. There's also this line from Nico:
Nozomi: You're crying.
- Episode 11:
- The girls' adventures on their day off together, notably Honoka and Kotori's penguin imitations and all nine idols striking identical one-legged poses while at the flamingo display.
- Eli and Nozomi getting way too engaged in a game of air hockey.
- Honoka suggests a group picture with everyone to commemorate the occasion. Seeing them all trying to fit in a single photo booth is quite hilarious. However, it then leads to one of the saddest scenes in the entire series...
- Episode 13: Nico decides to pass her club president title off to Hanayo when she graduates. However Hanayo has a Delayed Reaction and was in shock of Nico's nomination. A Gilligan Cut cut later, she was later crowned as club president, much to her protest. But at least she manages to have the DVD back Nico has back at Season 1 Episode 5.
The School Idol Movie
- Nico's "Nico-Nico-Nii" becomes a Funny Background Event during the character intros after hers is over.
- Thanks to Honoka having written the wrong hotel address on the paper-slip she gave to Umi, Kotori and Rin, instead of taking them to the ritzy 5-star-hotel on Broadway, the Taxi driver brings the trio to a crumbling barely-held-together by duct-tape roach-motel that looks like a crime scene from a murder-horror film like Saw or Se7en. Rubbing salt in the wounds, the second the taxi leaves, the water tower on the roof loudly collapses in a cloud of dust, to a muted-piano parody of the grand orchestral motif of the Ritzy Broadway Hotel.
- Making the comedy of errors even more ludicrous, Sunrise decided to name the murder-motel "Sunrise Motel" in faded letters; and it is based on an actual'' murder-motel, albeit from Chicago, where the victim's corpse was stored in its water tower.
- The entire scene was sold by police siren blaring in the background when Rin realizes their mistake.
- Umi, when she makes it to the actual hotel, was naturally not amused, and gave Honoka a spectacular chewing-out for her careless stupidity before collapsing in an adorable bundle of tears, refusing to leave her room until coaxed with a delicious dinner downstairs.
- The return of Umi's poker face (or lack thereof).
- Honoka's dynamic entry into the (wrong) subway train and everyone else trying to catch her attention.
- After coming back from New York, the girls realize that μ's is popular across Japan.
- Nico daydreams that she's giving her usual signature Catchphrase to her fans. However instead of her usual "Nico-Nico-ni!" Catchphrase, she says "Nico-Nico-Nui~!" while the rest of the girls look at her, puzzled at her actions.
- ?←HEARTBEAT is a groovy song with funny choreography, becomes extra funny when the normally serious Eli gets involved.
- What's the first thing Honoka wants to do after finding out that the group's fame is driving more business to her parents' store? Negotiate a bigger allowance!
- Due to μ's popularity, the following day in school Hideko, Mika and Fumika bind and gag Honoka, trying to persuade her to reconsider disbanding μ's.
- Rin somehow manages to convince some school idols to perform together by claiming to be a herald of school idols while posing like the Statue of Liberty.
- A-RISE's leader Tsubasa collaborates with Maki to write a new song and moves in pretty close to her (enough to make her blush) while doing so. Nico sees this and freaks out.
- Honoka's Dad dance sequence.
School Idol Festival
- For April Fools' Day 2015 and 2016, you could get alpaca cards. Now if only you could put them in a team...
- For April Fools' Day 2017, Klab took it one step further and changed the chime when you hit a note to this.
- For April Fools' Day 2017, Klab took it one step further and changed the chime when you hit a note to this.
- Putting more than one of a particular character on your team can create some amusing mental images, such as nine Nicos on a stage all doing the "Nico Nico Nii~!" together.
- You need to do that and play a certain song ("Mahoutsukai Hajimemashita!" for Nico) to get their character title in the game.
Anthology Manga
Despite not being canon to the official storyline, the anthology manga does share several laughs:
- Anthology 1:
- Chubby Live!!! (ぽちゃライブ!!! Pocha Raibu!!!) by nachucoco
(奈月ここ): Nico forces herself to train both Hanayo and Nozomi after she knew that they ate too much.
- And because of Nozomi and Hanayo's bouncy and stretchy training, Nico angrily blew the whistle just to stop them from training at one point, know.
- The end of the story's page also points out that neither Nozomi nor Hanayo learned their lesson.
- Chubby Live!!! (ぽちゃライブ!!! Pocha Raibu!!!) by nachucoco
- µ's Sweet Memories:
- Photo Scandal by Kusano Houki (草野ほうき)
, illustrator of Shirokuma Tensei:
- Nico requested Maki to take a photo of her doing the Nico Nico Nii...which results in the photo blurry due to the lack of focus.
- Photo Scandal by Kusano Houki (草野ほうき)
- µ's Precious Days:
- Battle: General Winter by Donten Takasaka
(also known as highest): After building a snow hut to warm themselves until the blizzard's gone, Eli orders Nozomi and Maki to continue the training.
- Not to mention that Eli's training is similar to Umi's.
- Battle: General Winter by Donten Takasaka
Other Media
- OVA: Nico pummeling Nozomi's Gag Boobs, while Nozomi just stands there with an unfazed smile.
- Audio Drama: Mitai Shiritai! Mode Check has the girls waltzing through an idol goods store as Eli and Maki (unsuccessfully) trying to reign them in. Hijinx ensue:
Maki: It'll be an embarrassment for all of μ if someone's seen doing something ridiculous.
Eli: Yeah, yeah you're right. We mustn't embarrass ourselves-
Eli: Aaah. Already?
Eli: You know, Honoka, we should be a little more quieter in the sh-
Eli: Rin, you too be quie-
Eli: Not you too, Nozomi.
Eli: Hey, hey, hey, hold on! This is not what we're here for! We're supposed to get ideas for our costu-
Meta and Non-Canon
- Love Live staffs often makes mistakes when publishing their posts such as the infamous Aquors. Fans were amused however.
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